Sunday, February 25, 2007

The Transformation of Accepting Change

Change is constant.

Change involves loss even as it involves gain.

Loss is pain. Loss is a form of death. Because we fear death, we fear loss, we fear change.

If we can learn to accept the pain of loss, the fear of death and the constancy of change, we can be profoundly transformed in our thinking, our being and our doing. With this transformation of ourselves, comes a transformation of our teams (families included), our organizations, our networks, our businesses and our careers.

So much of the hesitance, hedging, capriciousness, deception, fretting, anger, fear, blame-shifting, etc., that hangs us up at work is a result of this fear of change, of loss, of death.

How is our fear of loss and our lack of acceptance hindering our teams, our organizations, our selves, our careers, our work and service in the world? However they are, let’s commit, and continually recommit, to practicing acceptance versus fear, so that we become not victims, but shapers of inevitable change.

One might say that, “If you can’t beat it (and ultimately we cannot), shape it!”

Replies and rebuttals welcome.

Sunday, February 11, 2007

Work As Worship?

This blog post has relocated to a book, The WiseWorking Handbook. Please visit it there.  

Please purchase a copy at Balboa Press ( 

For signed copies, reach me at 

Thanks in advance for reading the book and spreading the word about it.

Finally, please rate it at,,, and other websites where books are sold and reviewed. 

What readers are saying:

"The WiseWorking Handbook is written in a down to earth, engaging style.” - Bud Bulanich

"Get this book. Read it. Keep it handy for when you need a little inspiration or some solid advice on how to work wisely and increase your value at work.” - Bud Bulanich

Saturday, February 03, 2007

Evil as a Key to Career Satisfaction

This blog post has relocated to a book, The WiseWorking Handbook. Please visit it there.  

Purchase a copy at Balboa Press ( 

For signed copies, reach me at 

Thanks in advance for reading the book and spreading the word about it.

Finally, please rate it at,,, and other websites where books are sold and reviewed. 

What readers are saying:

"The WiseWorking Handbook is written in a down to earth, engaging style.” - Bud Bulanich

"Get this book. Read it. Keep it handy for when you need a little inspiration or some solid advice on how to work wisely and increase your value at work.” - Bud Bulanich